Dakotah Jennifer's Books
"Safe Passage," a brief chapbook from Radical Paper Press, presents a collection of hybrid poems and lyric mini-essays.
All she wanted, all she strove for, is safe passage.
"The heart can get taught to play the game. To hide and cower. Restrict the blood vessels, clench the airways— a good teacher knows how to make it instinct. Hence, he says my name and an instant uprightness about me; a slow, crawling, fog-like dread; a dizziness ensues."

FOG is the debut chapbook by Dakotah Jennifer, a remarkable young poet who cites influences ranging from Lucie Brock-Broido to Sam Sax, while coming through loud and clear in her own voice, in a series of poems tinged with the heart’s “violent living and scarlet song.”
6 x 9 | 32 pages
Handprinted linocut cover
Caligo Safe-Wash Relief Ink on cream 80 lb cover
Digitally printed interior on natural white 60 lb text
Hand sewn in natural twine
Note: Individually printed by hand in small batches, no two covers will be exactly alike. Expect minor variations in color across the edition.

“We are not mature young adults, but children trying to navigate a sea that begs us to let go of the raft.”We are all a part of the systems. We are put in boxes that we never knew we were in. system explores the realization and reality of the world we live in, and how it changes as Jennifer discovers it. The system manifests in many ways, and as Jennifer learns, she finds barriers at every turn. Jennifer examines institutions, race, gender, divorce, adolescence, and discovery.
“I’m afraid
afraid of the air
of my breath
and what it makes me:
and that just won’t do for them
that just won't do.”