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PLaywriting & Directing


"'Soldiers, we have to always be prepared for war—even our own.' Such is the psychological distress of the characters in Black Anthology’s performance of “Masquerade.” Opening night, the Edison Theatre hummed with the energy of a full house. People filtered in through the doors until the very last minute to witness a performance promising drama, dance and a story that would sit with us long after the curtains closed." - Student Life




A remarkable mix of radio play and performance art, Focus is about sound and silence, stillness and movement. A student struggles to follow a lecture, contending with distractions, thoughts, emotions, and the overstimulation that comes with trying to drown out the rest of the world. There's a kind of mystery about the light, sound, repetition, and geography of Focus, that leaves us wondering can there ever be, just a moment of silence? Will things ever come into focus?




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